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Wednesday 10 June 2015

Mansion house speech by Chancellor and BOE governor 10-Jun-2015

Today, the chancellor George Osborne and Bank of England governor Mark Carney will have the annual speech at Bankers and Merchants dinner in London.

Back to the last speech, the governor mentioned the interest rate could go up in next months. But the rate has actually stayed at the record low 0.5% for the year.

Considering the deflation last month, though it may be temporary phenomenon, the interest rate is unlikely expected upside. If any clear direction is indicated in today's speech, forex market can be driven sharply whichever upside or downside.

Osborne’s Mansion House hot topics: rigging, ringfences and RBS

By the way, the trend & momentum of GBPUSD indicates it still has upside but it is limited as expected trend reversal toward later this week.

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