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Saturday 23 April 2016

Another monetary easing by BoJ? 23-Apr-2016

JPY has been weaken sharply on Friday, where GBPJPY was at around 156.8 at the opening and it closed at around 161.0.
Ahead of BoJ meeting on 27 - 28 next week, according to some local sources, the market consensus expect another monetary easing is possibly released by BoJ, and JPY has fallen as well as the stock index, Nikkei 225 going up. As already mentioned in this Forex Flyer, N225 is actually N225/JPY and N225 going up doesn't always mean the stock is becoming more valuable in particularly in such cases.
It could say this movement is speculation in the short horizon. After the BoJ meeting, if no further policy is introduced, the market can be reversed to strong JPY and the stock market plunged, but again, it would not mean the stock is less valuable.

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