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Wednesday 6 March 2019

Upcoming (Geo)political events (Brexit, Elections)

Brexit, US-NorthKorea summit, US-China trade war,... Several geopolitical uncertainties are surrounding the global economy. Here is just a list of upcoming events that could fluctuate the market in coming months. Some more events maybe added.

12-Mar-2019 The meaningful vote on Brexit deal (Downing Street insists)
 Guardian: Brexit meaningful vote will go ahead, says No 10, despite talks stalling
 >> Downing Street said the talks had been “difficult”, but stressed the vote would take place on Tuesday, as committed by May. If it is lost, MPs will vote on successive days on whether to block a no-deal Brexit and whether to extend the departure date.

29-Mar-2019 Brexit or the departure date extended?
>> After the meaningful vote on the Brexit deal, It will be clear whether Brexit happens on 29-Mar or is delayed.

9-Apr-2019 Israeli general election
>> The current PM Mr.Netanyahu is facing accusation of corruption, who have been PM since 2009. 

28-Apr-2019 Spanish general election
>> The right wing populist party Vox is rising while People's Party (PP) which is the current majority is likely to struggle. The centrist party Ciudadanos have not seemed to appeal enough to get majority at the parliament.

23 and 26-May-2019 European Parliament election
 The Economist: Volt wants to become the first pan-EU political party
 >> Volt, now has thousands of members across 30 countries (the eu28 plus Albania and Switzerland), and will run in the European Parliament elections next year. On October 27th about 450 delegates met in Amsterdam to approve the party’s programme, in a sea of youthful optimism and multilingual policy wonkery.

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